You can also find TIMELESS TOYS listed in the following categories on ToyDirectory. The attractive hang tag summarizes the remarkable year history of the Teddy Bear from 1902 till 2002. You can find our products on the Internet at and Our Web site is informational. Our products are sold only to the Specialty sector of the market. The bear contains the actual US Postal Teddy bear commemorative stamp in the Trademarked Timeless Toy clear pocket on the chest of the bear. 50 to various Breast Cancer Charities for each bear sold. This charming 10", soft stuffed, high quality bear made in a very old fashioned type plush is ideal for collectors as well as kids of all ages. We have many other unique high quality products which you can review on the Internet sites. Realtime driving directions to Timeless Toys, 460-777 Royal Oak Dr, Victoria, based on live traffic updates and road conditions from Waze fellow drivers. It is a shared experience, you did the same thing when you were young. You can find our products on the Internet at and Our Web site is informational. As parents or grandparents, we gave our little ones a piece of ourselves in a toy we once treasured. Timeless Toys contributes $.50 to various Breast Cancer Charities for each bear sold. The recent introduction of our Aware Bears(tm) Breast Cancer Bear which contains the US Postal breast Cancer Stamp in our Exclusive Clear Vinyl Pocket has sold out twice and we have had to fly them in as well. Quality and craftsmanship come at all price points, so we’ve made sure to include toys that are under 20 as well as ones that are more of an investment. Our most recent introduction of the Year 2002 Series consisting of Indiana, Louisiana, Tennessee, Ohio and Mississippi had to be flown in to keep up with the demand. And remember: timeless toys do not have to be expensive. 3.99 flat rate shipping every day New Inventory Arriving Daily Shop Now. Same day shipping on most toys, games, and gifts.

Due to their popularity, we are introducing our bears in advance of the State Quarters. Find a huge selection of Timeless Toys and thousands of other other toys at great prices from Fat Brain Toys. The family had little space and few toys. We presently have 23 Quarter bears available. Seeing Dalfred Goodmans toy collection for the first time is like entering. We have tied into the incredible popularity of the US Mint State Quarter program which has 125 Million American collecting coins. Melissa & Doug grew as a brand based on word-of-mouth love. All of our products are protected by Copyright and Trademark. Our Quarter Bears(tm) have been the hottest product line on the market for over 18 months. Timeless Toys specializes in making very high quality, unique, soft toys and Collectibles.